Heart of pearls (Photo credit: TheCleopatra)
"Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart." Luke 18:1Not losing heart is not quitting, otherwise known as persevering. If we are persistent in prayer, what does this show? It is evidence of faith and the practice of our faith. Apparently, there will be times we will lose heart or Jesus would not have needed to make a point of this. Would any stay-at-home mom who home schools doubt this? I am painfully aware of the many times I lose heart.
When one child can't find their math book and another disappeared to the bathroom while the baby blew out their third diaper and you're wondering why you thought homeschooling was a good idea - persevere in prayer. When you are questioning if you should nix the Greek root word memorization because you've not been close to the book in three weeks - keep praying. When your days turn topsy-turvy because your car died and now you need to load everyone up to take your husband to work and pick him up for a week - pray with your eyes open.
Persevering in prayer allows God to change your heart. It also keeps you from attempting to manipulate Him (which you can't do anyway) by praying only when you feel like it. Prayer is too important and too special to be lackadaisical about it.
Dear Father,
Thank you for telling us how to pray. Forgive me for treating prayer as if it doesn't matter much. Forgive me for using prayer for selfish reasons. Cleanse my motives. Whether I hear Your voice or feel Your touch today, I pray to honor You in my words and actions. Thank you for hearing me. Amen.
Final Thought: Pray, don't quit. That's faith.